This article is from the 2006 series of SMBZ and is no longer canon. |

Artwork of Fire Sonic by Alvin-Earthworm
Fire Sonic is one of Sonic's Alternate Forms, first introduced in Episode 8 of the original series. Using a Fire Flower will be able to make him transform, like Mario.
Sonic's personality is still the same in this form, just like in his regular form. He is still laid back, but in his form he is a bit more confident in his abilities to deal massive damage to his foes and help his friends.

Fire Sonic's sprite
Fire Sonic has all of his primary abilities, even when transforming. His strength is greatly increased, being almost as powerful as Mecha Sonic (although this is unconfirmed) and possibly Shadow. He gains the ability to easily move almost as fast as teleporting to catch up to enemies for multiple punching and kicking combos. His speed is greatly enhanced, being able to accelerate at higher speeds than what he could originally do. His body becomes enveloped in flames when he does speed up, making him able to ram and knock out anything in his way. His Hurricane Kick ability is powered up, even allowing him to finish off with a stronger kick. Fire Sonic can shoot out fireballs, like Mario, at even greater speeds and more power, taking out a lot more enemies much faster. When he focuses his energy and flip-kicks, a flame shoots out, more powerful than regular fireballs. He can also use a powerful move that starts off with him running around his enemies, creating a ring of fire, stopping after it's created, and

One of Sonic's abilities in this form is to run in a giant circle and create a pillar of fire.
finishing it off with a cyclone of flames, making that possibly his most powerful attack in his transformation.
- The original concept of Fire Sonic potentially has two distinct origins. The first source traces back to a pirated game known as Sonic Jam 6. This game served as a parody of Nintendo's Super Mario series but featured Sonic instead. In this iteration, Sonic sported red fur and a dark peach skin tone, with yellow shoes adorned with white straps. Upon collecting a Mushroom power-up, Sonic would revert to his usual color scheme. The second possible origin can be found in the Archie comic series, Sonic the Hedgehog. Within the narrative, Sonic utilized a Super Emerald to correct distortions in time. Sonic underwent a transformation as he interacted with the varied climatic conditions, leading to a brief manifestation known as Solar Sonic. Both instances potentially influenced the creation and depiction of Fire Sonic.
- Fire Mario is able to charge up his fireballs and shoot out more powerful shots at his enemies. It is unconfirmed whether Fire Sonic is able to do this ability, too.
- In Episode 8, when Fire Sonic is running (in first person view) into Koopatrols, he is cloaked in a crimson-like aura, similar to Kaio-ken a technique that Goku is able to use after training with King Kai.